Drivers & Minors

In the past fifty years of research on the subject of medical use of cannabis, a massive trove of scientific evidence has been compiled - evidence that shows in no uncertain terms that cannabis has an undeniable ability to genuinely help some patients dealing with certain medical ailments. But the…...

We Have Enough Drug Use Already

After years of debate, the State of Georgia has a medical marijuana policy that works. Those residents afflicted with a wide number of debilitating medical conditions including hospice care can now legally obtain medically prescribed cannabis oil to relieve suffering. While there is still debate about the overall effects of…...

My Brother And His Dumb Friends

Claims of harmlessness dominate our culture about marijuana. Some are true, but others are an attempt to sugarcoat its harmful effects. As soon as the words "harmful effects" are typed, the eye-rolling begins--here we go with another buzzkiller on a soapbox. No, no soapbox today. It's not about killing that…...

It’s Snake Oil To Me

It's the miracle cure for what ails ya! It's the marvel of the age. There's no limit to the benefits of this amazing substance. It helps, cures, or relieves symptoms of alcoholism, Alzheimer's, anorexia, anxiety, depression, attention deficit disorder, autism, bipolar disorder, diabetes, cancer, bruxism, Crohn's disease, breast cancer, glaucoma,…...

It was my gateway

My name is James and I’m an addict. At least that’s what I was told. I had landed in another rehab after doing well for about 7 months. But when I finally relapsed it didn’t take long before I moved on to other, heavier drugs. It all started with a…...