About Us

Going Green provides information about legalized marijuana, both for medicinal and recreational use.  Objectivity is our goal.  We address marijuana generally, discuss legalization for medicinal and recreational use throughout the United States, and focus on the process of legalization in Georgia.

Here’s where we’re coming from.  In the last several years, attitudes toward marijuana have shifted dramatically.  We think that change was overdue.  We don’t think marijuana is a miracle drug that opens pathways to enlightenment for everyone, but we do think it is a relatively safe way for responsible adults to have fun if they choose.  We think that if our society permits adults to consume alcohol and tobacco for recreational purposes, then there are arguments that marijuana use should be legal too.  There are also counter-arguments.  Going Green’s goal is to provide facts, present firsthand stories, and give the arguments both for and against legalization.

Whether you support or oppose legalization, there is a growing body of evidence to consider.  Scientists have conducted, and are conducting, new research[1].  Many states have already legalized marijuana for recreational purposes, and the experiences of those states provides new data about the effects of legalization in the United States.  Large companies have begun to commercialize the production, distribution, and sale of marijuana[2] with far-reaching effects.  Governments[3] are generating revenue by taxing marijuana sales, but marijuana may also be taxing public health resources.  Times are changing fast.

Whatever you believe, and whatever you decide, we thank you for visiting us!


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