As more states legalize medical and recreational marijuana, the drug is more available than ever before. Still, questions linger about marijuana. Get the details on what we still don’t know about this drug.


Marijuana and Lung Cancer

Smoking cigarettes can cause lung cancer, but what about marijuana? Right now, the answer is unclear. Studies have yet to find a link between smoking marijuana and lung cancer. However, evidence shows it can lead to chronic bronchitis and other lung issues.

More research is needed to answer this question. In the meantime, those who are concerned about a possible link might want to choose edibles instead of smoking the drug.


The Strength of Marijuana

Marijuana is stronger than ever. This is largely due to changes in how the plant is grown. Plants with high levels of THC usually have low levels of CBD. CBD is linked to many of the health benefits that marijuana users experience.

Right now, researchers are studying the impact of high THC levels. What happens when someone smokes a joint with a THC level of 50–70 percent? Will they still receive medical benefits, such as pain relief? More research is needed to answer this question.


The Impact of Medical Marijuana

Research has shown that medical marijuana can alleviate various conditions, including chronic pain. Research still has to be done to determine how regular use impacts brain activity, cognitive ability, and sleep.

Researchers want to understand how this drug affects the overall quality of regular users’ lives. This is especially important for those who are prescribed the drug for medical purposes. However, the research will be beneficial to all regular users.


Marijuana and Causal Users

Lots of people identify as casual users. They don’t keep a stash at home and smoke daily. Instead, they grab a joint at a party or smoke on special occasions.

Right now, there is no clear picture of how the drug affects casual users. The answer to this question is becoming increasingly important since people have more access than ever before.


Marijuana and Pregnant Women

Researchers have spent a great deal of time studying the impact marijuana use has on fetal development. There is a strong link between marijuana and low birth weight. There is also some evidence that suggests marijuana use can lead to complications during pregnancy.

However, researchers still need to determine if mothers smoking marijuana increases the risk of sudden infant death syndrome. Researchers also want to find out if using marijuana while pregnant can cause the child to experience developmental delays or use drugs later in life.

Even though the research isn’t done, it’s clear that using marijuana while pregnant isn’t a good idea. Low birth weight is dangerous, so it’s best to avoid marijuana while pregnant.


Marijuana as a Gateway Drug

You’ve likely heard marijuana referred to as a “gateway drug.” However, research still needs to be done to determine if this is true. Some researchers claim that alcohol is the true gateway drug, while others continue to point to marijuana.

More research needs to be conducted to prove if marijuana is or is not a gateway drug. In the meantime, expect to hear lots of arguments for and against this belief.


The Future of Cannnabis Research

With legalization on the rise, researchers are working overtime to find out more about marijuana. Expect more information to come out in the coming years. Researchers are on the cusp of answering these questions and so many more. It won’t be long before researchers fill in many of the blanks and our understanding of the drug improves.


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